Every writer should invest in a notebook. The notebook is an idea catcher, a problem solver, a rant holder, a place to strategize, to develop, to record observations. It's a storage space, a bank and a vault. Think about where you store your ideas, where you solve writing problems, where you create. Is it in one focused place? Are your ideas organized or scattered? Do you have shoeboxes filled with napkins and envelopes?
If you're a beginning writer, looking for your first big idea, or trying to take your work in a new direction, the writer's notebook is a worthwhile endeavour.
While it is beneficial to write in your notebook everyday, it's important to make a distinction: the writer's notebook is not the same as a personal diary. Make a clear separation between professional writing and personal writing.
So if it's not a diary, and you're supposed to write every day, what do you write?
Everything in the writer's notebook should be work related. Even the rants! Keep your notebook as organized as possible with a section for ideas, a section for observations, a section for project specific questions, a section for writing exercises, a section for rants, and so on. Every day, write in each section. It doesn't have to be long or cover multiple pages, nor does it have to be your best writing. Expecting brilliance every time you create is the quickest path to writer's block. Simply work on a routine of regular writing in a consistent manner in a focused location.
It's important to keep in mind that this notebook does not have to keep to a traditional form. It can - it can be a small moleskine that you carry around to be whipped out at a moments notice when creativity strikes. But there are many writers who don't create with pen and paper. Don't reject this concept because it's outside your current creation method. It's easy to be flexible with the form of the notebook. It can be a file folder with pictures for inspiration. A blackberry where you store idea files. An envelope of newspaper clippings. An artist's pad. The form doesn't matter so long as it allows you to write in a consistent and regular manner.
Every writer needs a place to store the thoughts, the ideas, the observations, that occur daily. Every writer should have a single point of access, a well to draw from when something special is needed to move a project forward. Use the writer's notebook to inspire creativity, to prevent writer's block, to consistently improve your skills as a professional writer.
Lindsay Price is the resident playwright for Theatrefolk, an independent publisher of playscripts for schools and student performers. http://www.theatrefolk.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Lindsay_Price
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Tuesday, April 28, 2009
The Writer's Skill Set - Working the Notebook
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9:43 AM
Reduced Prices For Laptops - Your Very Own Notebook Computer is Waiting
Now that reduced prices for laptop computers are becoming increasingly common, upgrading your desktop computer to a portable notebook computer is fully within reach. Just a couple years ago, the idea of getting a laptop computer for the reduced price of around five hundred dollars was just absurd. Today, though, prices well below one thousand dollars are extremely common for great laptop computers. Curling up on the couch with your next computer is now more than just a fantasy!
Sure, you can always spend multiple thousands of dollars on any computer, whether a laptop or desktop, and get the very latest technology, the biggest hard drive, and the absolute-widest screen, but many times you just don't need all of those fancy options. The middle-of-the-road options are usually more than sufficient for today's computer user. Reduced price laptops and notebooks all make it affordable to do common-computer tasks portably. Things like surfing the internet, writing, sending emails, playing games. Even watching movies.
The reduced prices of today's laptops were simply unheard of only until recently. Even if you last went into a computer store just six months ago, the recent drop in prices have made just about every system even more affordable. These days it can be hard to find a system that costs more than one thousand dollars. It is truly amazing how much the average price of a laptop computer has dropped. Reduced prices for notebook computers are now standard.
How much you can really save when buying a laptop computer depends on where you buy it. To get the most reduced price for a notebook computer, buying online through a major internet retailer is the best way to get the lowest price and also the largest selection. Because internet-only retailers like Amazon don't have to pay for the business overhead of having a brick-and-mortar location, they can pass on those savings to their customers through price. That is one of the reasons that shopping through the internet has become so popular over the last decade. Naturally, it is extremely convenient, too. Are you ready to get a great laptop computer? Put your feet up, and click here to start looking for the perfect Reduced Price Laptop.
http://www.ifoyer.com -- Portal to the Popular Internet. Always free. No pop ups, or internet annoyances. Get there online in style from the top level of the web! :)
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jeremy_Lakota
Posted by
9:42 AM
Apple MacBook MB466LL/A 13.3-Inch Laptop - The Most Overrated Notebook?
It is well known that Apple computers cost way more than regular PCs and laptops. The question is, is it worth the price? The Apple MacBook MB466LL/A 13.3-Inch laptop is currently its most popular model. It cost 2 - 3 times more than other notebooks with similar specs. Here is a quick look at whether this notebook warrants its hefty price tag, or whether it is all fluff and hype.
Lets start by examining its specification. It runs on a 2GHz Intel core 2 duo processor. It comes with 2 GB of RAM and a 160 GB hard drive. Currently, this model cost a little over $1200. Lets compare this model to one of the most popular netbook models, the Asus Eee 1000HE. The Asus netbook runs on a 1.66Ghz processor, 1 GB of RAM (upgradeable to 2GB) and a 160GB hard drive (with an extra 10GB of online storage). As you can see, the Apple MacBook MB466LL/A 13.3-Inch laptop is just a wee bit more powerful than the Asus Eee. The Asus 1000HE currently cost a little below $400. Is it worthwhile paying three time the price for the Apple model?
Another popular 13" laptop model in the market currently is the Toshiba Satellite A405-S2915. This laptop runs on a 2 GHz Intel processor, has 4GB of RAM (upgradeable to 8GB) and a 320GB hard-drive. This more powerful laptop costs just a little over $800, which is much cheaper than the MacBook.
So as we can see, the hefty price tag of the Apple MacBook MB466LL/A 13.3-Inch laptop is not reflected in its specifications. Is there anything else that warrants the hefty premium? Apple computers do have their own distinctions. For starters, they run on the Leopard operating system, which many claims (purportedly) to be user-friendlier than Window's operating systems. Then there is of course the fancy mouse pad with multi touch recognition. Many say that Apple's sleek design is simply irresistible. The MacBook's display is a back-lit LED screen, which is quite rare among regular laptops.
There is virtually nothing that can be done on a MacBook that can't be done on a regular laptop. In fact, there are way much more software out there that are specifically written for Window's operating system compared to Mac softwares.
To sum up, the extra $400 that you will be paying for the MacBook would be mainly for the laptop's design, fancy mouse pad and Apple's operating system. In short, the novelty factor. If these aren't good enough reasons for you to fork out the extra $400, there is really very little reason for you buy the MacBook.
For more real reviews and product info, visit Apple MacBook MB466LL/A. For reviews on other electronic gadgets, visit http://laptops.treeso.com/reviews.html
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Troy_Richards
Posted by
9:41 AM
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Buying Laptop Memory Through the Internet
Every now so often, laptop users have the need to upgrade their laptop memory. In other cases it may breakdown and need replacement. Either way the internet offers you easy access to credible sources for laptop memory.
Online sources have a built in tool that let you search for the particular memory card you are looking for according to its model number. If however you are not sure of the particular model number of the laptop memory that you have then you can contact the website and they would be more than willing to aid you.
Some laptop owners are hesitant to get their memory ordered online because they have no idea how to install it. To the deliverance of such laptop users many of the online laptop memory suppliers have an easy to follow illustrated guide on how to install the memory card into the laptop. This service is further enhanced by on call installation and instructions support on a toll free number. Such services help laptop users to successfully upgrade their computers at home.
In order to give laptop owners added security these online memory suppliers also give you a money back guarantee on their products. This means that if you are not satisfied with your upgrade for any reason whatsoever you can return it to the company. The grace period for returning the ordered upgrade is usually sixty days. This period is long enough for you to analyze whether the particular laptop memory you ordered suffices your needs or not.
Amongst the variety that you will be able to find online is the 200 Pin PC2100 DDR266 Notebook SODIMM. This memory card is extremely versatile and is guaranteed to work with all Pentium models as well as Athlon, AMD and Apple Powerbook Laptops. The memory can be purchased with full confidence as it is easy to install and you will be running your upgraded laptop in no time. This laptop memory is available for $55 online.
Another widely used Laptop memory card is the Kingston 512 MB 144 Pin CL2 SODIMM. You will be able to use this memory card with any notebook that has the capability to accept 512 MB. This is a low density device which enjoys recommendation from all major PC makers including brand names like Apple, Compaq and Dell.
The 214 PIN MicroDIMM 533MHZ DDR2 NOTEBOOK SODIMMS is another variety available online. This particular board utilizes the mezzanine board technique which helps to reduce the size of the module as well as the total area covered by the connector by up to 35 percent. The memory card utilizes its system clock to give you precise cycle control through its synchronous design. The best thing about this particular memory card is that it has a range of different operating frequencies, burst lengths and programmable latencies.
Not only will you be able to find the laptop battery of your choice online rather it will cost you much cheaper as well. Once you place the order you will have your item delivered to you in a time span of three business days.
Find all kinds of laptop memory at http://memorysuppliers.com/laptopmemory.html This website offers an invaluable service for individuals looking to purchase affordable laptop memory through the internet.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Daisy_Wilson
Posted by
2:56 PM
Calling All College Students - How to Get Your Hands on a Cheap Laptop!
The days of a laptop being a luxury item are long gone and as a college student it's an absolute must for you to have your own. Where would most students be nowadays without their trusted laptop?
It's essential to help you complete your assignments, a great place to keep your notes and let's not forget the occasional movie or mp3 download, followed by an hour or two chilling out on Facebook, MySpace or Twitter!
In all seriousness, a laptop is a modern day must as a college student, but the problem is often the price. Although the price of Laptops have reduced vastly over the last few years, they still cost a lot of money!
This is where your search for a cheap or bargain laptop begins. Although price is a huge issue you don't want to forsake quality for it. So what do you do? Luckily there are a number of options available to you. You can still purchase a superior model and not have to sell your soul for the pleasure.
One of the many varieties of ways to get your hands on a quality, but cheap laptop is to approach certain laptop suppliers. You will find that the majority, either have excess stock (yes believe it or not, it happens) or a minor blemish, such as a scratch is found on a fully functional laptop. Unfortunately for the company in question, these laptops cannot be sold at full price to the general public and off course, this works in your favour.
In addition to this there are many recommended retailers who are fully aware of the financial plight of the college student and therefore are able to offer unbelievable value and some absolutely fantastic deals.
As i have mentioned, this is merely one way to get your hands on an affordable laptop. Please check out my article on other ways to purchase Bargain Laptops and my upcoming list of recommended retailers. I also want to tell you about another area of interest that i will be writing about soon, Right-Hand Drive Jeeps.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Raymond_F_Kelly
Posted by
2:55 PM
How to Get Your Hands on a Cheap Gaming Laptop!
Have you noticed that Gaming Laptops are so expensive and you are likely to pay any between $3000 - $6000 for some of the top models. However, in order to produce an exclusive gaming laptop, it requires certain high-end components and specifications. Think about Blu-ray, mega fast processor speeds, superior graphics and a ton of RAM.
This is all well and good, but what happens when the gaming laptop of your dreams, looks like it's just going to remain a dream.
It appears there are a number of ways you can still get your hands on a decent and reliable gaming laptop. OK, in all honesty, it may not have everything that you would get for a higher priced model, but it will still provide you with great performance and allow you to enjoy the latest and up to the minute 3D video games on your laptop.
So where do you start looking?
If you are in the market to purchase a new laptop for your gaming pleasure, there are two that you may wish to consider - The Gateway P-7811FX and the Qosmio X305. Both of these can be purchased for approximately $1500, so a huge saving on what you first considered.
However, if this is still way over your budget, then you still have the choice of a refurbished or used laptop.
A refurbished laptop has usually been returned to the manufacturer because of a slight blemish or scratch. The manufacturer will then put this through quality testing and if it is believed to be acceptable for sale to the general public, it will then be available to you at a much lower price. Usually you will also receive a guarantee and a warranty.
As for used laptops, two of the best ways to get your hands on one is through an auction or even checking out the classified ads of your local newspaper. I would advise a slightly more cautious approach if you are looking to purchase a used laptop. You don't wish to agree a sale and then find you have bought something of no use. This is why I suggest your Local newspaper, this can give you the opportunity to visit the seller and check out your gaming laptop first hand.
As i have mentioned, these are merely a couple of ways to get your hands on an affordable laptop. Please check out my article on other ways to purchase Bargain Laptops. I also want to tell you about another area of interest that i will be writing about soon, Right-Hand Drive Jeeps.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Raymond_F_Kelly
Posted by
2:54 PM
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Netbooks Versus Laptops - What You Need to Know Before You Buy - Pros and Cons
Are the days of the Laptop numbered?
As the world becomes a smaller place, the Internet grows ever larger and more resourceful. Today, we cannot survive without the Internet at our disposal for a very long time. Hence, vast arrays of hand held solutions which promise Internet access are available. While all of them have their uses, Internet on hand held devices is hardly as rich and resourceful as that on a full-fledged PC. Mobile browsers come with limited support, especially for features like embedded video and animation, thus leaving your web experience half-baked. In today's age of extensive mobility, even the much vaulted laptop looks like a lumbering giant. The solution? Enter the Netbook world.
As of today, Netbooks are little more than ultra portable laptops. As the name suggests, it is best suited for surfing the net on the go along with other lightweight allied tasks. It is not fundamentally designed to be a multimedia center or an office workstation and most Netbooks reflect that.
Screen size for Netbooks is generally 8-9 inches. Screen resolution varies according to make and model and is available up to a respectable 1024x600. While the smaller form factor has definite portability advantages, the smaller keyboard and touchpad area can be a real pain for people with large hands. Connectivity in Netbooks is paramount and hence it generally comes with a whole array of USB connectors, an Ethernet connection and the latest available wireless technology. External display devices maybe supported through DVI/S-Video. Optical drives are optionally available.
Under the hood, the processor for Netbooks needs to be a frugal drinker of electricity. As of today, three different platforms are available. The reliable but ageing VIA C7D (HP 2133 miniNote), the popular Intel Atom processor, and the mixed-bag options offered by AMD (Sempron 2100+, Turion64 or the puny Geode LX800). Memory typically comes in the 512MB-2GB range. Storage may be in the form of a SSD (solid state drive) or a simple hard drive. While SSD's are faster, compact and consume less power, they also add a lot to the price tag of Netbooks. As a compromise, some vendors ship their units with a limited capacity (2-4 GB) flash memory which usually contains the operating system, and a standard hard drive for storage.
In terms of software, you can go for Windows XP or Linux. Linux distributions like Ubuntu 8.10 are an excellent choice as they work very well out of the box. Windows Vista performance is generally poor as they require more power.
A checklist while getting Netbooks can be as follows:-
• Power efficiency- The Atom offers the best bet, but the 945 chipset it ships with is old. The newer US15 chipset is expected to be out soon. Keep a lookout
• Memory- 512MB maybe adequate but you are better off with 1GB+
• Video - Look out for the upcoming Ion(Atom+ GeForce 9400) platform for NVidia with HD Playback capabilities
• Hard Drive -SSD's offer performance and efficiency at higher prices
• Price- can be bought within $500 in general
Most major brands like Dell, HP, Compaq and Acer have Netbooks in their lineup. The ASUS Eee Pc, the first one launched, is also a decent choice. What you have to decide is whether you actually need a Netbook. While it offers portability, a rich web experience and lightweight computing capabilities, it is not really a replacement for a laptop or a phone and in general have failed to find a market niche till date.
For more similar articles, visit http://www.bestlaptopsreviews.com, and read about Laptop and notebook reviews and ratings, most popular laptops, industry news, forums.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Christophe_Catesson
Posted by
9:22 AM
Netbooks Versus Laptops - What You Need to Know Before You Buy - Pros and Cons
Are the days of the Laptop numbered?
As the world becomes a smaller place, the Internet grows ever larger and more resourceful. Today, we cannot survive without the Internet at our disposal for a very long time. Hence, vast arrays of hand held solutions which promise Internet access are available. While all of them have their uses, Internet on hand held devices is hardly as rich and resourceful as that on a full-fledged PC. Mobile browsers come with limited support, especially for features like embedded video and animation, thus leaving your web experience half-baked. In today's age of extensive mobility, even the much vaulted laptop looks like a lumbering giant. The solution? Enter the Netbook world.
As of today, Netbooks are little more than ultra portable laptops. As the name suggests, it is best suited for surfing the net on the go along with other lightweight allied tasks. It is not fundamentally designed to be a multimedia center or an office workstation and most Netbooks reflect that.
Screen size for Netbooks is generally 8-9 inches. Screen resolution varies according to make and model and is available up to a respectable 1024x600. While the smaller form factor has definite portability advantages, the smaller keyboard and touchpad area can be a real pain for people with large hands. Connectivity in Netbooks is paramount and hence it generally comes with a whole array of USB connectors, an Ethernet connection and the latest available wireless technology. External display devices maybe supported through DVI/S-Video. Optical drives are optionally available.
Under the hood, the processor for Netbooks needs to be a frugal drinker of electricity. As of today, three different platforms are available. The reliable but ageing VIA C7D (HP 2133 miniNote), the popular Intel Atom processor, and the mixed-bag options offered by AMD (Sempron 2100+, Turion64 or the puny Geode LX800). Memory typically comes in the 512MB-2GB range. Storage may be in the form of a SSD (solid state drive) or a simple hard drive. While SSD's are faster, compact and consume less power, they also add a lot to the price tag of Netbooks. As a compromise, some vendors ship their units with a limited capacity (2-4 GB) flash memory which usually contains the operating system, and a standard hard drive for storage.
In terms of software, you can go for Windows XP or Linux. Linux distributions like Ubuntu 8.10 are an excellent choice as they work very well out of the box. Windows Vista performance is generally poor as they require more power.
A checklist while getting Netbooks can be as follows:-
• Power efficiency- The Atom offers the best bet, but the 945 chipset it ships with is old. The newer US15 chipset is expected to be out soon. Keep a lookout
• Memory- 512MB maybe adequate but you are better off with 1GB+
• Video - Look out for the upcoming Ion(Atom+ GeForce 9400) platform for NVidia with HD Playback capabilities
• Hard Drive -SSD's offer performance and efficiency at higher prices
• Price- can be bought within $500 in general
Most major brands like Dell, HP, Compaq and Acer have Netbooks in their lineup. The ASUS Eee Pc, the first one launched, is also a decent choice. What you have to decide is whether you actually need a Netbook. While it offers portability, a rich web experience and lightweight computing capabilities, it is not really a replacement for a laptop or a phone and in general have failed to find a market niche till date.
For more similar articles, visit http://www.bestlaptopsreviews.com, and read about Laptop and notebook reviews and ratings, most popular laptops, industry news, forums.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Christophe_Catesson
Posted by
9:22 AM
Bargain Laptops and Notebooks Let You Keep More Money in Your Pocket
The bargain laptops and notebook computers of today give you the chance to keep much more money in your pocket, bank account, or available on your credit card when upgrading to a new machine, or perhaps buying your first laptop. Bargain laptops are so common now that it is sometimes a challenge to find the expensive models. Laptops are increasingly becoming extremely common personal tech. With bargain laptop prices starting at four hundred dollars (and sometimes even less), it is easy to see why.
Bargain laptops usually boast all of the features of what are considered to be expensive laptops: CD/DVD drives that can write music, data, and video; wide screen displays, integrated speakers, and internal wireless capability. They also come loaded with lots of software that will help you to be productive right from the start. If you spend somewhere between four hundred and one thousand dollars, you can get a great laptop.
Like a lot of people, you may have been waiting for the right time to get your first laptop. Maybe you are buying your first computer and reading this article on a friend's PC or on a library computer. Whatever your reason for needing a bargain laptop, now is a great time to invest in that system. Use it every day for the next year and it can cost as little as one dollar per day. That's less than a cup of coffee!
The idea of a bargain laptop was unheard of just a few years ago. Back then, most laptops were still expensive and heavy. To get a slick little bargain laptop comparable to today's models, you would have had to go to the top of the price range and shelled out quite a bit of money. Whichever laptop or notebook computer you are looking to get, shopping for one online through a major internet retailer is the best approach when you are looking for the lowest prices, the best selection, and convenience. Ready to see what bargain laptops are available right now?
Posted by
9:17 AM
Monday, April 6, 2009
How to Write a Killer iPhone App
By Panah C Rad Platinum Quality Author
iPhone application development is one of the hottest fields in the world of information technology these days. Many programmers have found instant fame and fortune by writing killer iPhone applications. It's true that these apps are fairly cheap, but if you write one that goes viral, you can make a lot of money. But here is the challenge. How do your write a viral program for mobile phones? Not every app is going to make it, and you could end up spending hours working on an app that ends up producing no real results. Here are a few factors that have helped web-apps go viral on iTunes:
* Simplicity: you want a program that is easy to use. You don't want your users to have to be rocket scientists to play with your product. The more difficult you make your program, the less success your are going to have.
* Usefulness: this really applies to business and utility web-apps. You need to solve a problem and address a need. You can't just introduce a product for the sake of doing it.
* Innovation: sometimes the simplest ideas take off because nobody has thought of them before. Take iFart for example. It's very simple but has made its developers a lot of money.
* Price: your product can be priced from $0.99 to $20. Sometimes, you get more value by giving it all for free. In fact, a lot of companies have gained a lot of exposure by giving away freebies. Make sure you don't price it too high or you are going to turn people off.
* Support: be responsive. Provide them with support, and you'll reap the rewards.
* Updates: your job is not done once you have finished coding. You should listen to your customers and provide them with features that they need.
Writing code may not be difficult for you, but getting your app to go viral is not as easy as it sounds. Keep things simple and provide value, and you are on your way.
Want to find cool iPhone applications?
iPhoneAppsFinder is a comparison site that allows you to compare iPhone apps and helps you find new cool apps every day. For more information, log on to: http://www.iphoneappsfinder.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Panah_C_Rad
Posted by
9:02 AM