Girls will be girls and they love their pink! If they can get it in pink, that is what they want and their computers are no different. When notebooks first came out, you pretty much had to go with black. As they became more and more popular, different colors were added and they quickly became a hit with the kids. It only made sense that a pink notebook computer would hit the market and that the young girls would flock to it.
Some parents may have a little concern that they kids will eventually lose interest in it, but that should not be the case. As they get older, they will probably eventually upgrade anyway. Also, if you are getting them a top of the line machine, there are plenty of companies out there that sell customized skins that they can cover the pink with if they eventually outgrow it.
You should actually take the opposite approach. If they have something that they like, they are probably much more apt to use it then something that disgusts them when they pick it up. What girl would not be proud to show off her new pink notebook computer?
More than likely, if you are getting a pink notebook computer, you are going to be buying it for a teenager ( a little bit more this later), but that is not always the case. It is actually important for them to get used to computers as it is obviously how things are done these days. If they have something that they love, they will use it more and get familiar with word processors and researching subjects on the internet. While she may think it is pretty, she is actually learning how to use this tool to be successful not only in school, but also getting some great training for a real job as just about every profession you can think of involves a compute r in some shape or form.
Now if you are concerned with the quality of the computer that you can get with pink, don't be. Just about every major manufacturer has one in some form or another. Pink notebook computers are actually one of the hottest items on the market right now so companies and making sure they are putting out a quality product.
The funny thing with pink laptops is that as they become more popular, you are actually seeing more and more adults latch onto them. They are not merely for the children as you would initially think. Some people like attention and they will definitely get that. Imagine being out in the park grabbing your lunch and all of a sudden you see some thirty something man flip one of these babies open! Tell me you are not going to take notice.
Whether you are shopping for a pink notebook computer for your daughter or for the little girl in you, you will have a great selection of computer to choose from. Going back only a year or so ago, you were stuck with a below average computer and were paying solely for the unique color. Now you are getting a world class machine that can stand on its own merit. You want something to catch everyone's attention, go get some pink!
Lance Thorington is a passionate writer and online publisher. Make your girl happy and get this great looking pink notebook computer right now! Visit
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Monday, May 11, 2009
Shopping For a Pink Notebook Computer For Your Daughter?
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1:45 PM
Innovations of the Laptop Notebook Computer
You will find it a bit hard to live in the modern world if you refuse to use computers. Most of us probably have a computer of some sort sitting in our home or office. The laptop notebook computer is one of the latest innovations in modern technology. You will soon conform with the use of this technological marvel, if you have not conformed to the laptop notebook computer. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if it's all that is available soon. Carrying your computer system around with you is a great and useful advantage.
All of us had desktops just a few years ago. These massive desktop computers were great and they can get the job done. However, I find it hard to praise these relics when we have the option of having laptop notebook computers. These small wonders get all of the same tasks done, without being restricted to one specific area, or room in the house. I can now opt to be wireless and venture to any part of my home with my laptop notebook computer in hand. After all, you will not benefit from having wireless access if your computer is stuck on a desktop.
In this days and age, people don't have to remain in their homes to work online, or to research for that big term paper. The convenience that the laptop notebook computer offers is simply incredible. These days, you can observe many people carrying them around in their school bags and brief cases. We no longer have to be connected to wires in order to work or have fun.
The DVD option is one of the many advantages of the laptop computer notebook. To tell you the truth, I didn't think much about this option when I purchased my Mac Ibook. However, the advantage became clear when my family and I went on a road trip. We can actually watch movies in the car with the help of this amazing miniature computer.
I think it’s great that computers are always getting smaller, but are also doing more. The laptop notebook computer is a clear example of where our future is headed. We crave more freedom as much as we love having computers and Internet access. This is the main reason is why this amazing technological innovation is so prevalent in our current society. Hop online now and explore a number of possibilities if you want to purchase your first laptop notebook computer.
Morgan Hamilton offers expert advice and great tips regarding all aspects concerning Laptop Notebook Computer. Visit our site for more helpful information about Laptop Notebook Computer and other similar topics.
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1:44 PM
5 Reasons Why Low Cost Netbook is the Best Lap Tops Notebook Computer For College Students
Back in the early nineties, I was in college. Miami Hurricanes was the best football team in the NCAA. Dan Marino was still the quarterback for the Miami Dolphins. Windows just came out. Students rarely require extensive use of a computer. Except those in the engineering and computer courses, of course. We had programming assignments that require constant use of computers. While there were ample terminals over at the computer lab, it was not conducive for me since I live off campus. Don't really want to stay too late in the computer lab.
Thus, I bought myself a 286 machine. Shared the cost with another student friend. Yes, we both didn't have to stay cooped up in the college computer room to complete our computer assignments. We did it all at home. Many of the other computer students also bought their own computers to enable them to complete their assignments at home. Basically, back then, students rely on computers at home. Notebooks? Yeah, it's the paper kind which we write on with pens and pencils.
Fast forward to the present day. The year 2008 saw the emergence of a new breed of notebook computers. ASUS was the first to bring about the Eee PC. A notebook which is small in many ways - price, size, weight, and features. It was the first sub USD$500 notebook.
The other hardware vendors stayed away from the market. However, they kept a close look at it and paid attention to the market growth. Before you know it, many more hardware players joined in the bandwagon as the market for the sub USD$500 machines boomed tremendously. Today, we see the big players like HP and Lenovo making their presence felt in this fast growing market segment better know now netbook. Low cost netbooks have made its way into the main stream and making headlines.
A student's life these days require that they are equipped with a computer. Assignments are now basically done on computers. No more passing of a handwritten documents. Everything needs to be neatly done in a word processor, spreadsheet, or presentation.
Today, we see students carrying laptops and notebooks everywhere in their college campus. How many of them can really afford a full fledge notebook? I'd say many can't afford one. To those parents who've sacrificed to get a notebook for their children in college, I absolutely bow my head to you. I know it's a big sacrifice, especially in Malaysia, where I live. The minimum cost of a basic low end notebook is about MYR2500. That's a lot of money for most parents over here in Malaysia.
This brings me to the first and probably the most important reason why the low cost netbooks make for the best lap tops for college students.
1. Low Cost
A basic netbook, currently costs around USD$300. That translates to about MYR1300 in the Malaysian market. This means, parents and college students could save about MYR1000 if they get themselves one of these low cost netbooks instead of a regular notebook.
That's a huge savings. For parents who've got two children in college, they can basically get two netbooks for the same price of a single basic low end notebook. Thanks to these cheap netbooks, more students can now own a computer. If only they can somehow bring it even lower. How about below MYR1000? That would mean, a sub USD$200. I do think it's possible. Maybe in a couple of years or so.
2. Light Weight
I am very familiar to the burden of having to carry a notebook around day in and day out. Yes, I am a notebook backpacker, and proud of it too. Every once in a while, I would have to like do some spring cleaning of my notebook backpack. Yes, after a few weeks, it'd be filled with papers and notes which I don't really refer to nor do I actually have a need for them. They are just there in the backpack, piling up after so many days at work.
The backpack alone, with the required paddings and what nots weighs handsomely. Add a notebook (3kg), a group of CDs and DVDs (0.5kg), and the above mentioned load of paperwork, I'd say I'm carrying around a good 5kg to 6kg of weight on my shoulder every single day.
At first, you don't really notice the heaviness of that 5kg. After a while, your shoulders and your back starts to ache and you begin to wonder why. Only then do you realize that it's probably caused by the sheer weight of that extra 5kg which you have to carry around daily.
The netbooks of today weighs in at about 1.5kg. Some would probably weigh more depending on the battery it's installed with. Not a lot more, however. A netbook with a 6 cell battery weighs in at about slightly less than 2kg. Still way better than a standard notebook.
College students, especially the ladies, would certainly benefit from the netbooks being light weight. Being as light as they are currently, college students can surely carry them around as they commute around the college campus from one class to another. No worries of a shoulder or back pain as the netbooks are very light indeed.
3. Small Footprint
When sitting in a lecture hall, there really is not much space for a college student to use. The seats are normally equipped with a small flexible table. Setting up a standard 14inch or 15inch notebook on these small table tops would be a hassle. There will not be any room left for anything other than the notebook.
Here lies the beauty of a netbook. Netbooks are size at a mere 10inch, some even smaller. They just fit in nicely for a lecture hall environment. Set one up on that small flexible table, and you probably would have a tiny bit of space left to put anything small. A small Post It Notes perhaps? An MP3 recorder perhaps?
The sheer small size also means that the netbook need not be carried in a notebook backpack. Ladies can probably just dump the tiny unit into their handbags. Of course, it's not going to fit if they use those tiny little handbags that really can't fit anything but their facial makeover items.
A standard (is there such a thing) coach handbag will certainly fit a 10inch netbook nicely. No one would even suspect that there is computer in the handbag.
4. Communication Features
Almost all netbooks currently are configured with a handsome lot of communication features. It's got speakers, cameras, wifi, and bluetooth for a start. These components are already good enough to allow users to communicate with ease over the internet.
Social networking? Chatting space? Skype? Yahoo Messenger? Google Chat? FaceBook? MySpace? Video conferencing? Just name it. Even the most basic low cost netbook is more than capable of allowing its' users to utilize all the above mentioned communication channel. That is why a netbook, even the most basic ones are already more than capable to allow college students to communicate with their peers from wherever they are.
5. Style
Have you seen these low cost netbooks? Don't they look awesome? One thing is for sure, the manufacturers are really putting in their effort to make these tiny units look exceptionally good. The finishing they've put on these netbooks are simply pleasing to the eyes. A true eye candy, I might say so myself. They come in multiple choice of colors. You name it, they come in orange, blue, red, yellow, gray, black, green, and many more.
Now wouldn't you agree that the low cost netbook makes for the best lap tops notebook computer for college students? I certainly think so. Why not? Well, of course, its not going to be suitable for all college assignments. As long as the student understands the limitation of the Atom CPU, it would be just dandy. Surely they can't expect the small netbook to be capable of rendering 3D motion graphics for them. It would also not be suitable to compile really complex engineering calculations and large programming compilation jobs.
I'd say that netbooks will be the must have gadget for college students pretty soon, if not already. You wouldn't be cool without one.
Hadee Roslan is a Computer Systems Engineer. He blogs about Current Events in Computer Technology.
If you are looking for low cost net books, you should take a look at the Low Cost NetBook Market. The place to go if you're looking for the best values in HP Mini Note Netbooks For Sale on the internet.
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1:38 PM